Monday 17 November 2008

Welcome to my new Blog

If all the money wasted on inappropriate Marketing was piled up on the Isle of Wight, from the top you could see the Eiffel Tower!

You're right! I made the second half up! But it is true that more money is wasted on inappropriate Marketing than on any other human activity outside Government!

If your Marketing is less than fully effective, keep coming back here where you'll find plenty of sound, proven advice that you can adapt and adopt for your own business.

If meeting your sales and profit goals is keeping you awake at night, I think we can help.

The first theme is 21st Century Sales and Marketing. Take a regular look at this thread to discover how ideas must change with the fast-changing world that is the 21st Century.

Even in today's environment where we are all desperately overloaded with information and short of time to pay attention to any of it, none of us can thrive in a vacuum. We all need the inputs of others, so please contribute your thoughts too.

It's great having you aboard! Enjoy the ride!


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